Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Peyton Manning & Victory Church

Are you ready for some football? (said to the tune of the Monday Night Football jingle in my Hank Williams Jr. voice)

Our hot summer weather has started to give us a break.  The evenings are getting darker sooner. And that means football pre-season is almost over and the real football games begin soon.  I don't know about you, but I love this time of year, and I love NFL football.  Our staff just about covers most of the NFL when it comes to our favorites...
Pastor Vinnie & Joe are fans of the 49ers. (I don't even know?!?) 
Jess is a die hard Steeler fan.
Pastor Todd is a NY Giants fan. 
Pastor Eric is the only one to follow the "home team", the E - A - G - L - E - S.
I think they're still in the NFL??? -- anyway, Pastor Curt & Pam & even Pastor Jeremy for some reason cheer on the Cowboys??!??
My team -- I'm a Denver Broncos fan!! (Me and the Creator of the universe. Why do you think sunsets are Orange and Blue?)  Okay, sorry...stay with me.

This past off-season was a big one for my Denver Bronco team.  For those that don't know, or care about the NFL, or think that ESPN is just part of the alphabet soup you had for lunch....let me tell you why is was so big for the Broncos.
The coveted, future Hall of Fame quarterback, Peyton Manning was available after being released by his only team the Indy Colts.  The Colts were drafting number one, the future of their franchise, and the next "sure thing" in Andrew Luck of Stanford, so Manning wasn't needed.  They were banking on their future.  When Manning became available, teams scrambled to figure out if they "could land" the biggest free-agent signing in the NFL.
The short list for Manning's options came down to the Miami Dolphins, the San Francisco 49ers, the Tennessee Titans, and the Denver Broncos.  I guess towards the end, it was a decision he had to make between the Miami Dolphins and the Denver Broncos. 
Well, he chose right. (In my humble opinion)
But seriously, it didn't make sense.
Peyton Manning has a home in Miami.
He loves being in the city of Miami.
It sunny and always warm in Miami.
Even Lebron James tried to influence him to Miami.
And Miami offered the same amount of money as Denver.
So Why?
Here's the inside scoop.
It's about culture.
The reporters said that "he was taken back by the Dolphins' front office culture and that was the #1 reason he chose Denver over Miami."

What does Peyton Manning choosing Denver over Miami have to do with Victory Church?

Well, people are "choosing" Victory Church and more importantly choosing Jesus because of the ministry of Victory Church, because of the culture of our church.  If you've been around Victory for any length of time - like even if last week may have been your first - you know and see that we're different.  In a good way.  Not a week goes by that we don't hear the stories and emails shared about the "buzz", and the culture of our church.  Victory Church is full of "if you only knew me then....people."  We're a church that "it's okay to not be okay and come here."  But here's the deal....we're not okay with you staying not okay. Okay?  We're a church that wants to help people take their NEXT step in their relationship with Jesus Christ. you can't stay not okay! 
We're a tribe that is chasing after God and expecting Him to encounter us each and every week, but also each day. (Remember 7>1)!! Great things are happening at Victory Church!  Just a few weeks ago, at the Theater Campus over 300 people were in attendance!  And 28 people got baptized in one day!! At the Greenfield Campus it's full every week - both services  - and the kids rooms are packed to capacity...again!  We're hearing comments like "there is something happening in this place and I'm just so glad to be apart of it" Or "worship lately, has been off the chain!" (said by a dad...of teenagers...obviously)  It really is an exciting place to be and each and every week more and more people are not only checking VC out but choosing Victory Church as their church....because of the culture, because of the evidence and obvious favor of God in this place. 

So tribe, fall is just about here. Vacations are pretty much over.  School buses are out early again.  The anticipated "routine again" from Moms all over begins with school night bedtimes. And for us as a church -- we'll probably be even more full than we've been over our growing-not-slowing summer.  We need to keep loving God and loving people and let those that you invite and those that you meet for the first time - "that there is something about the culture here."  The culture is one that is inviting to first time guests.  It's a place where life change is happening each week and expected.  It's a place where people are encountering a God who is deeply in love with them for the very first time. 

As exciting as it is to be a Bronco fan, and think, and hope, there is some promise because of the great, Peyton Manning - as exciting as that is (and I do hope the Broncos have an amazing season) -nothing excites me more than Sundays and being apart of what God is doing right now at Victory Church!  I LOVE MY CHURCH!!!

~Rick Glass

Monday, July 30, 2012

Sloppy Wet Kiss

So... here's the thing... Isaiah has an encounter with God that was so over the top that he says in vs 5 of chapter 6... "Woe to me for I am ruined!"  We hear that word and I think we say, "well I don't want that to happen to me," right, because who wants to be ruined?  I love the song "How He Loves Us (The Jesus Culture version because it probably has one of my favorite lines of all time in a song... PERIOD!  "So Heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss!"  Listen, the Kingdom of God doesn't wrap itself up in a pretty little box and present itself like an engagement ring ("well I do!").  It can get messy, who's with me???  When we sign up for this anomaly called the "Christian life" it's not the easy life, it's the best life.  Understand the difference, embrace the difference, meditate on the difference.

So here's the problem... I just got back from Kenya with 12 other Radicals who sucked the marrow out of the trip with me.  We experienced God in ways we never maybe imagined possible.  We got as close to Him as maybe we ever have.  So the issue is that when you have an encounter with the God that hung the stars, who laid the earth's foundation, who gives orders to the morning and shows the dawn it's place, the very God that told the waves where to cease (Job 38)... listen, it will mess with you.  It will ruin you... if you let it.  I think the temptation is to come home and settle in, come to our senses and live life "as usual."  In essence what we're doing is wiping the heavenly slobber off of ourselves and getting it together so we can look normal (cause who wants to walk around looking like they just mud wrestled with a St. Bernard all day?).

Let me tell you where I am (it begs the assumption that you care, but you are reading this so...).  I don't want to forget how Heaven met earth 10,000 miles away in the remote places of Kenya among the Pokot tribe, in the dump of Nakuru town, among the street boys in the city, at the schools in Tangulbei and the hearts of each member of our team.  Listen closely, it wasn't pretty or clean; it wasn't safe or comfortable.  It was messy and smelly; it was inconvenient and scary... because it's in these places that you find the heart of God.  When you walk in the places where Jesus would undoubtedly be if he were still here in the flesh you have two options.  You can keep it at arms length and deny it's reality (and keep living the dream) or you can fully embrace it, understanding that you may never be the same again.

If going "back to normal" means wipping the Heavenly mess off of myself, I gotta say, you can have normal, because I don't want any part of it.  I told the team and I'll tell you (all 5 of you reading this)... I don't want to "get over it!"  Paul said in Philippians 1:21 "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."  Seriously think about that.  He was saying that, "My life is all about Christ, every fiber of my being given as a burnt offering for Him, and to die... better yet because then I can be with Him!"

May we live our lives embracing the "sloppy wet kiss", fighting the temptation to wipe it off (like we do when our crazy grandmother plants one right on the corner of the lips, not fully on the lips but just the corner and then watches to see what your next move is gonna be).  Position yourself today to have a radical encounter with God.  Listen... you don't have to go half way around the world to have one.  The same God that resides in Kenya has also made the United States His home (although it can be harder to find Him among the clutter).  He's waiting to ruin you... if you let Him.

So many blessings,

Sunday, July 29, 2012

What a day!!

Today was one of those days that was a memorable marked day in the brief history of our church at the Theater Campus.  Still amazed at today and all that God did! 
It was the first Sunday back from the Kenya Missions Team being away for two weeks, and I knew that Pastor Eric - was busting at the seams all week long  - to get to Sunday to share with our tribe!
It was also Baptism Sunday and we had 13 signed up to be baptized and share their stories of God working in and changing their lives...and although 13 signed up, more people than that got baptized!

Although I think it's a fair statement from most all of us from the Kenya Team would say, that we really miss it and could still be was really good to be home and back at Victory Church!
It was such a great vibe early in the morning.  Knew it was going to be an epic day!

When church began at 9a.m. the theater was really full.  More full than normal at the start of the service. (Seems like it usually fills up by 9:09 or so) :-)   I went to Pastor Eric and said "hey, we need seats!  There are still 50-60 people in the lobby!  We need to dismiss the Warehouse kids now to make room."  So for the first time, after the first worship song, Pastor Eric went to the front, welcomed everyone, and we dismissed the 1st-4th graders to continue to worship in the hallway, and 27 seats were freed up.  We were full to capacity!! People were sitting in the aisles, and in the hallways during the service.  We had a record today - OVER 300 people at VCTC!!! 

The worship band was really amazing (as always) - and the worship was awesome today!! We shared a Kenya Team video slide show, and then Pastor Eric preached LIVE today because of the baptism celebration day.  He shared the gospel, illustrated his sermon with a lot of Kenya highlights, and challenged and encouraged people to be bold and take their NEXT STEP. 

It was time for the baptisms outside in the back parking lot after the church service.  We had the scheduled 13 plus the 2 that decided this week to be baptized all lined up and ready.  After those 15 were through, Pastor Eric opened it up for anyone else who wanted to - in the moment - get baptized.  Ryan Gabers, sitting on the curb, ripped off his shoes and socks and quickly hopped up to the tub...and then they followed.  Another one. Another one. Then they were lined up. 26 TOTAL PEOPLE when were were all done.  It was special for me personally, that I got to baptize my daughter, Brooke, and my nephew Blake too!  We ran out of t-shirts and in fact I handed out my dry t-shirt to change into later, so Joyce got baptized in a Men-of-Iron tshirt!  Also the towels ran out so everyone shared wet towels - and they were wet! Some people hopped in with their denim jeans and all!

What an awesome celebration!!

We then did what all good churches do...we ate! Huge shout out and thanks to the Bower & Hurst families for helping with all the food set up and bbq-ing the burgers and dogs!  The weather, although cloudy and overcast, held off , and in fact the sun peeked through and we had an unbelievable day celebrating in big way all that God is doing in our church. 

Record day.  Memorable day.  Epic day.  All glory to where it's deserved - to God be all the glory!!


Rick Glass

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Numbers from Sunday

It's Tuesday evening and I'm still on a "Sunday high!"  Fathers Day 2012 was an awesome day at Victory Church - one of those days that will leave a mark...for generations to follow.  It was an amazing day.Victory Church is ONE Church in TWO Communities.  We have our Greenfield Campus and our Theater Campus which meets at Penn Cinema. Several months ago, we as a staff began to work on the details of a combined campus - one service - for Fathers Day, where we'd show the movie Courageous.
Hard to put into words to describe Sunday. 
But here are some numbers....

We had close to 950 people filling up 10 theaters at Penn Cinema!  20 Coffee Carafes were emptied along with over 500 doughnuts consumed!  90 kids went through 52 pieces of sidewalk chalk and 300 pretzels! Speaking of kids ministry - in our infant nursery, we had a 1 to 1 ratio!! Each baby was held by a volunteer worker all morning long!  And speaking of volunteers....we had 116 total volunteers that were absolutely amazing!  From the Kids Min to the First Impression Teams, each and every guest there should have received a smile, and a welcome.  I'm sure of it!  Our team of 4 security guys couldn't be missed in their bright yellow shirts as they kept our kids safe, and watched the facilities as each person enjoyed the movie.  We had 6 band members of the Theater Campus band lead us in an outside worship experience, and then our pastors, PC, and Pastor Eric charged our families, particularly our men at Victory to resolve, commit, and declare that they will lead their families to be Courageous families.  Hundreds of people responded to that commitment!! We had 1 gorgeous day that combined 2 communities for 1 special church service and 1 memorable Fathers Day!
Finally, we had 4 photographers capture the whole day in pictures! Special thanks to Kent Mast, Ashley Gillman, and Ron & Jane Henderson!  Here are a few pictures here and here. And more pictures coming....

Friday, June 8, 2012

VCTC Reminder....

Reminder to sign up this week!!
We want everyone to have a part of this special service!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

"I would so attend this church!"

After coming off of a time of prayer and fasting about 18 months ago, we felt strongly like the Lord was saying, “Now is the time to launch our multi-site initiative.”  God had opened up doors and we were full of faith.  Six months later (April 2011), we launched our very first satellite campus … in a movie theater. I can remember the excitement and the buzz that was all over that place.  People walking around, serving, supporting and checking the place out.  It was new and crazy!  But to be real honest with you, that whole “new and exciting” thing, lasted only a few months, then reality set in. 

By the time summer hit, we were still trying to dial in the “live feed.”  I am sure there were many Saturday nights that Pastor Eric didn’t sleep much because he knew that if the “live feed” went down, he was preaching.  We were still trying to figure out the set-up and tear down process, we were working on communication between the two sites, trying to discover who the actual community was that will be a part of this launch, explore “community-building” ideas and plans.  I mean … it was HARD WORK!  We were experimenting left and right, wondering, “When will this ever feel right?”

This past Sunday, one year later, I had the privilege of being with those at the Theater Campus to celebrate our One Year Birthda-versary.  I was blown away!  Before the experience even started, people were a buzz!  Such excitement.  Worship team was hitting on all cylinders, the flow of the service and use of media and video were non-distracting.  I stood off to the side and thought, “If I didn’t pastor this church, I would so attend this church!”  Same feeling that I have each week at the Greenfield Campus.  I love this tribe.  The community we longed for was happening before my eyes.  People were hanging out after the gathering to get to know each other, introducing themselves to one another, laughter filled the atrium.  My twitter feed was blowing up!!  I loved it! 

What a hard working team of staff and volunteers at that campus.  I cannot thank you all enough for all your sacrifice and hard working.  WE ARE TAKING THE MOUNTAIN!   Now, we take our next step.  Please be praying for us as we seek the Lord.  We have an opportunity to set a more permanent footprint in the Lititz community there at Penn Cinema.  It’s an opportunity that will give us a 24/7 presence there at that campus.  We will keep you in the loop as we continue to move ahead and follow the Lord’s leading.

Until then, live to make hell regret you were born!   Keep loving God and loving people.

Serving together with you,


Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Birthday VCTC!

Birthdays are always special aren't they (unless you're over 38 and realize to have a sleep over party would be creepy)?  Over sized helium balloons that don't EVER deflate, icing (light on the cake), friends, family and surprises (like new pain in places that you didn't even know existed until you felt a sharp twinge getting out of bed on your birthday... "surprise, take some Advil!")  There is something though about that first birthday isn't there?  So I'm watching Malachi who's almost a year old (so close to 1 but not quite, work with me).  Are you kidding, I'm thinking this over sized Cabbage Patch Kid was just inside of Heather's body a year ago and now he eats ravioli (like there's a shortage globally).  I mean think of the progress a child makes in a year, from helpless and weak to standing on his own and drinking out of the dog bowl.  It really is unbelievable isn't it?

VCTC is having a birthday, a first birthday and the progress that we have made is not so unlike Malachi's (minus the dog bowl thing).  Just over a year ago the Theater campus was just a good idea... a God idea! Look how far we've come from the early days of two theaters and massive tech issues (they still pop up now and then just for kicks).  It has been a journey of growth, a year later we have gone from some awkward stages to standing on our own two feet.  Give pause and take a minute to look around on Sunday... we are a church, a living, breathing organism.  Don't get me wrong, we're not "there" yet, we've got a long way to go (and frankly we'll never get "there").  Life happens in stages, Malachi is standing on his own but he wasn't taking any swings at the Darth Vader pinata  at Abe's 7th birthday party last month (although he did try to eat Darth Vader's head).  You understand what I'm saying... let's celebrate the progress, let's be thankful for the presence of God, let's give glory for the life change, for the impact in the community for the volunteer spirit that thrives at Victory Church and the list goes on and on!

Now no birthday would be complete without gifts (that we open after everyone leaves the party which I find strange "Drop your Five Below item there, I'll get to it later!")  I wish I could give each of you a present ( although you did get the chocolate spheres of life a couple of weeks ago) but I can't.  This is what I can do and will do, I will pray that as we celebrate this most important of birthdays that you would unwrap the fullness of God in your life!  It is to this end that I have given myself... that we would lock arms and chase hard after God and would not settle for anything less than the John 10:10 "Best Life!"

Come Sunday with great expectation, come ready to eat cake, come ready to spend some time looking around and taking it in.  Happy Birthday VCTC!!!
